UN 234-4HE32-0XB0

SM 1231 Analog input/output 1200PLC Module which is similar as Siemens S7-1200 PLC

1) SM 1234 Analog input/output 4AI/2AO
2) Compatible with Siemens 6es7 234-4HE32-0XB0
3) Analog module;
4) Could connect with Siemens 1200 CPU and Modules;
5) 3-year warranty;
6) 2-3 working days after payment can ship;
7) Material: ABS, IC

Dimension W x H x D ( m m ) 45x100x75
Weight 220 g
Power consumption 2.4 W
Current consumption (SM bus) 80 mA
Current consumption (24V DC) 60mA (no load)
Analog input
Number of input channels 4
Type Voltage or current (differential): 2 can be selected as a set
Range ±10V,±5V,±2.5V,0-20mA or 4-20 mA
Full scale range (data word) -27,648 -27,648
Overshoot/undershoot range(data word) Voltage:32,511-27,649/-27,649 --32,512
Overflow/underflow (data word) Voltage:32,767-32,512/-32,513--32,768
Resolution 12 bits + sign bit
Maximum pressure/current resistance +35 V/±40 mA
Smooth None, weak, medium or strong
Noise suppression 400,60,50 or10 Hz
Impedance ≥9MQ(voltage)/≥270Ω,<290Q(current)
Isolation (field side and logic side) None
Analog to digital conversion time        
Common mode rejection 40 dB,DC-60 Hz
Working signal range The signal plus common mode voltage must be less than +12V and greater than -12V
Cable length (meter) 100 meters, shielded twisted pair
Analog output
Number of output channels 2
Range ±10V,0- 20mA or 4- 20 mA
Accuracy Voltage: 14 bits; Current: 13 bits
Full scale range (data word) Voltage: -27,648-27,648; Current: 0-27,648
Accuracy (25ºC/0-55ºC) ±0.3‰±0.6% of full scale
Stabilization time (95% of new value) Voltage:300μS(R),750μS(1uF),Current:600μS(1mH),2ms(10 mH)
Load impedance Voltage: ≥1000Ω; Current: ≤600Ω
Behavior during RUN-STOP Previous value or replacement value (default value is 0)
Isolation (field side and logic side) None
Cable length (meter) 100 meters, shielded twisted pair
Short circuit to ground (voltage mode only) The output terminal has
Open circuit (current mode only The output terminal has
24VDC low voltage

UN 234-4HE32-0XB0

UN 234-4HE32-0XB0

SM 1231 Analog input/output 1200PLC Module which is similar as Siemens S7-1200 PLC

1) SM 1234 Analog input/output 4AI/2AO
2) Compatible with Siemens 6es7 234-4HE32-0XB0
3) Analog module;
4) Could connect with Siemens 1200 CPU and Modules;
5) 3-year warranty;
6) 2-3 working days after payment can ship;
7) Material: ABS, IC

Dimension W x H x D ( m m ) 45x100x75
Weight 220 g
Power consumption 2.4 W
Current consumption (SM bus) 80 mA
Current consumption (24V DC) 60mA (no load)
Analog input
Number of input channels 4
Type Voltage or current (differential): 2 can be selected as a set
Range ±10V,±5V,±2.5V,0-20mA or 4-20 mA
Full scale range (data word) -27,648 -27,648
Overshoot/undershoot range(data word) Voltage:32,511-27,649/-27,649 --32,512
Overflow/underflow (data word) Voltage:32,767-32,512/-32,513--32,768
Resolution 12 bits + sign bit
Maximum pressure/current resistance +35 V/±40 mA
Smooth None, weak, medium or strong
Noise suppression 400,60,50 or10 Hz
Impedance ≥9MQ(voltage)/≥270Ω,<290Q(current)
Isolation (field side and logic side) None
Analog to digital conversion time        
Common mode rejection 40 dB,DC-60 Hz
Working signal range The signal plus common mode voltage must be less than +12V and greater than -12V
Cable length (meter) 100 meters, shielded twisted pair
Analog output
Number of output channels 2
Range ±10V,0- 20mA or 4- 20 mA
Accuracy Voltage: 14 bits; Current: 13 bits
Full scale range (data word) Voltage: -27,648-27,648; Current: 0-27,648
Accuracy (25ºC/0-55ºC) ±0.3‰±0.6% of full scale
Stabilization time (95% of new value) Voltage:300μS(R),750μS(1uF),Current:600μS(1mH),2ms(10 mH)
Load impedance Voltage: ≥1000Ω; Current: ≤600Ω
Behavior during RUN-STOP Previous value or replacement value (default value is 0)
Isolation (field side and logic side) None
Cable length (meter) 100 meters, shielded twisted pair
Short circuit to ground (voltage mode only) The output terminal has
Open circuit (current mode only The output terminal has
24VDC low voltage

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